Epiglottis and Inflammation of the Throat

inflammation of the larynx


Epiglottis and inflammation of the throat are two different conditions that may occur at the same time. When epiglottitis occurs suddenly, it can lead to respiratory obstruction and a high fever. This medical condition requires immediate treatment and protection of the airway. Oftentimes, the condition can be treated with antibiotics.

Epiglottitis is caused by the Streptococcus pneumoniae group. This type of bacteria is responsible for many diseases, including strep throat and pneumonia. The Hib vaccine protects most children from epiglottitis.


Diphtheria is a potentially fatal disease caused by bacteria. The toxin it produces kills healthy respiratory tissue. This disease results in a grayish membrane in the throat and nose, a barking cough and sometimes a complete obstruction of the airway. The symptoms usually appear within two to five days of infection. The patient may also experience muscle weakness and loss of appetite. In five to ten percent of cases, diphtheria may lead to death.

Diphtheria of the larynx usually starts with a cough and a sore throat. As the infection spreads downward, the airway becomes blocked and surgery may be required. In severe cases, the larynx may become so inflamed that a tracheotomy is needed to restore it.

Chronic irritant

Chronic irritant of the larync – or laryngitis – is an inflammation of the voice box. It can be caused by several factors, including allergies and mechanical or chemical irritants. It may also be caused by an infection. Chronic irritant of the larynX can be chronic or acute.

Other causes of larynx irritation are seasonal allergies and constant air pollution. Voice abuse, such as screaming, singing, and shouting, can also cause vocal cord irritation.

Vocal strain

Vocal strain and inflammation of the laryngx are two common conditions that can make your voice sound hoarse and be difficult to manage. Inflammation of the larynx can result from overuse of the voice or a virus infection. Inflammation of the vocal cords affects the ability to vibrate the vocal cords, which makes speaking and singing more difficult. In addition to causing voice problems, laryngitis can also be a warning sign of a serious medical condition.

Inflammation of the larynx can lead to hoarseness and can be a complication of laryngitis and surgery. It is most common in people who use their voices frequently, including actors, public speakers, singers, and teachers. Your physician will determine if you have laryngitis based on your medical history and a clinical examination.