How to Manage a Headache

a headache

The best way to treat a headache is by identifying the causes and symptoms. A pharmacist or physician can prescribe medicine to help you relieve your pain. You may need to try more than one treatment before finding a remedy that works for you. In some cases, a doctor’s prescription might not be enough to alleviate your pain.


Headaches are not uncommon, but there are many different conditions that can cause them. If you notice that your headaches are becoming more frequent or severe, you should visit a healthcare provider right away. He or she will want to know more about your headaches and your family’s health history, as well as perform certain tests. You will also want to tell your healthcare provider where the headaches are located, how long they have been present, and any other physical or emotional stresses that have been present.


Headaches are a common occurrence and can be caused by many factors. Some of the more common causes include mental health issues, physical exertion, medications, and diet. In severe cases, a headache can interfere with daily activities.


There are various medications that can be used for headaches. They may include over-the-counter (OTC) analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). But if you are experiencing a severe headache, your doctor may prescribe triptans, calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) inhibitors, or antiemetic drugs.


One of the best ways to prevent a headache is by getting enough rest. Getting at least eight hours of sleep each night can prevent the onset of headaches. Maintaining a regular sleep-wake cycle is also essential.

Identifying triggers

One of the most important steps to managing a headache is understanding what triggers the pain. This knowledge can help improve management and avoidance strategies. Some patients develop a belief system about their triggers, making them more able to cope with the unpredictable pain and disability of a migraine. The assessment of patients’ beliefs about triggers is necessary for the successful treatment of headaches.

Imaging tests to rule out other causes

Imaging tests for headaches can rule out a number of other causes, such as brain tumours. CT scans and MRIs are useful in identifying other causes, and may also be used to rule out vascular inflammation. However, they can be expensive and not widely available. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis is also a useful test, which can rule out a number of other causes and confirm a hemorrhage. It can also rule out tumors, infections, and disorders involving CSF hypertension and hypotension. Patients with persistent headaches, or if they think it may be a more serious cause, should seek referral to a specialist.

Home remedies

A variety of home remedies for headache can ease the pain. One common method is to apply a cool compress to the head. This can be done with a gel compress, ice cubes wrapped in a towel, or even a frozen vegetable bag. The compress should be applied for 15 minutes and then removed. The cold compress can help relieve inflammation because it constricts blood vessels. In addition, a cold shower can have similar effects.