Symptoms of Diabetes

symptoms of diabetes

Among the many symptoms of diabetes, urinary tract infection is a common one. This infection is characterized by high sugar levels in urine, and it often causes burning and itching when urinating. Those with diabetes are twice as likely to develop this condition. Yeast infections can also occur in people with diabetes.

Yeast infections

If you have diabetes, you may develop yeast infections more frequently. These infections are a complication of diabetes, and it can be difficult to treat them. In order to prevent them, you should learn to recognize their symptoms. Symptoms may range from an itchy rash to eye infections. If you notice any of these symptoms, you should visit a doctor immediately.

Excessive hunger

If you are suffering from diabetes, you should know that you can experience frequent episodes of excessive hunger. You will have increased cravings for carbohydrates and sugar. This symptom is caused by a high blood sugar level, known as hyperglycemia. The higher the blood sugar level, the stronger the cravings will be. Consequently, you will need to eat more in order to satisfy your hunger.


Numbness as a symptom of diabetic neuropathy can be a painful condition. It can cause pain in the feet and limbs and may also cause tingling, burning, and sensations of being inside a glove or sock. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, contact your healthcare team right away. The most common type of diabetic neuropathy is called peripheral neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy is an affliction of the nerves outside the brain, affecting the hands and feet. It can cause sensory or motor symptoms and should be treated promptly.


Fatigue is a common symptom of diabetes, but there is an important distinction between the symptom and the cause of the disease. Diabetic fatigue is a physiological symptom and can be caused by metabolic problems, glycemic control issues, and concomitant endocrinopathies. Patients with diabetes who experience frequent or excessive fatigue should see a healthcare provider for diagnosis.

Increased frequency of UTIs

If you have diabetes, you should be aware of the increased risk of urinary tract infections, which can have severe consequences. Among other things, diabetes alters the genitourinary system, making infections more likely and causing worse outcomes, like pyelonephritis. Moreover, patients with diabetes often have infections that are more difficult to treat because the bacteria are more resistant to antibiotics. In addition, diabetic patients already have a high risk of kidney damage, which may complicate the infection further. This means that early diagnosis of urinary tract infections in diabetic patients is crucial.

Diabetic neuropathy

Diabetic neuropathy causes a person’s nervous system to malfunction and send incorrect signals to the brain. This causes a person to experience pain, which can be constant or intermittent. These symptoms may affect a person’s quality of life and may even prevent him or her from sleeping. They can also cause sensitivity that can feel like an open wound.