Treating Symptoms of Shortness of Breath

symptoms of shortness of breath


The first step to treating dyspnea is to find the underlying cause. This can often be determined by using your GP’s diagnostic tools, such as pulmonary function tests. Then, your doctor can decide how to treat the problem, which may involve modifying your diet or performing exercises. If your symptoms are related to an underlying pulmonary condition, your healthcare provider may decide to order additional tests. These tests may include tests of the heart and lungs.

Difficulty breathing

Difficulty breathing can be an early warning sign of a serious medical condition. A primary care physician can order basic tests and may recommend that you visit a specialist. In more serious cases, a patient might require hospitalization. Your doctor can also prescribe medications or suggest breathing exercises to help control your symptoms.

Winded feeling

If you experience shortness of breath, you should visit your doctor for a proper diagnosis. You can try some simple breathing exercises to relieve your condition. For example, you can try to lean forward while sitting or standing. If you experience shortness of breath all the time, it is important to find out the cause. If you are a smoker, you should quit smoking. If you have COPD, you can also take bronchodilators to open your airways and relieve your breathlessness.

Chest pain

If you’re having chest pain, it’s important to get help as soon as possible. Calling an ambulance can help your doctor determine the cause of your chest pain and shortness of breath. Your doctor can give you anti-inflammatory medication to relieve the discomfort and help stabilize your condition. You can also change your diet to reduce your risk of developing a heart problem.

Smoking history

Smoking history is an important factor when considering a cause of shortness of breath. It is possible that shortness of breath could be a result of a serious disease, such as COPD, or a result of being out of shape. In either case, you should see your doctor to determine if it is due to a specific health condition. Fortunately, lifestyle changes can help reduce shortness of breath.

Cheyne-Stokes respiration

Treatment for Cheyne-Stokes respirations depends on the underlying cause of the symptoms. Some common causes include stroke and congestive heart failure. Medical professionals can treat this disorder with oxygen therapy and continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy. Both therapies use pressurized air to open the airways and provide a regular flow of oxygen during sleep. This treatment has been shown to significantly improve shortness of breath symptoms.